1·Optim Development Studio USES source code analysis to identify SQL statements that the application USES to show it in the SQL outline.
Optim Development Studio使用源代码分析确定应用程序在SQL大纲中显示SQL使用的sql语句。
2·James: it would be highly valuable to outline what types of feedback do operations types observe that could benefit the software development side of the house.
3·This paper describes the analysis, demand analysis, the outline design, detail design, system implementation and system maintenance, software development process.
4·Development techniques that carefully outline and control the places and ways that programmatic authorization is used can help control the complexity.
5·The purpose of this article is to outline a strategy that has been proven to address these concerns and prolong the viability of software development organizations that adopt it.
6·Both symptomatic and asymptomatic infections can lead to the development of serious complications, as outline above.
7·The following sections outline the required steps at development time.
8·These captured statements and metrics are displayed in the Optim Development Studio "SQL outline" view (previously known as the "pureQuery outline").
捕捉到的语句和指标显示在 Optim Development Studio “SQL outline” 视图中(以前称为 “pureQuery outline”)。
9·This paper will summarize some of the important benefits that healthy natural areas provide, and outline a methodology for low-impact land development.
10·This text takes a solution of B/S mode school management system developed by ASP. NET as an example to outline software development approach with RUP.
文中以一个用ASP。 NET开发的B/S模式校务管理系统的解决方案为例,概要介绍了采用RUP的软件开发方法。